Travel Consultant

Contact Edgar

(848) 218-0116

My love for travel started with a trip to Germany when I was 15. My parents sent me by myself to visit cousins I had never met before. Visiting a country that was very different from what I was used to was thrilling. It wasn’t until after a trip to Hawaii that I started to really make travel a top priority in my life. In 2016 I took six month leave of absence from my job to backpack around the world. It was the most amazing experience of my life; I learned so much about the world and myself. When I returned home I knew I wanted to work in the travel industry but didn’t know how. It wasn’t until meeting CJ at the Travel and Adventure show that becoming a travel advisor seemed possible. I am currently learning the business and taking courses but what I lack in experience I will more than make up for with my enthusiasm for traveling and my desire to help others see the world.

Edgar Herandez